Simplifying IT, Amplifying Knowledge

Star Wars - Republic commando

Published on: 05 March 2025 Category: games

As I am going back through the Star Wars games from Jedi Academy, I watched the last three episodes of Mysteries of the Sith and it is really terrible. The "BAN" of weapons in these episodes, combined with extremely unintuitive lightsaber combat and unintuitive and useless Force abilities, is really painful. So after getting to the end of episode 12 and defeating Dark Mara, I got to the beginning of episode 13 and then cheated my way straight to ep. 14 and then closed it and I would never play it again. It is absolutely unplayable.

So, having already played the standard Dark Forces 2, the only "series" game left on my list was Dark Forces 1. However, Republic Commando came back to me. I saw some reviews and videos, but I did not really like the look of this game. However, I was persuaded to give it a try. So I decided to get the original version and install it on one of my old notebooks, but it is almost impossible to find the unremastered version. Luckily, one of the players in the Retro Gaming Community offered me an .iso so I can run it as it was meant to be. The choice for installing the game was the Lifebook S7110, which I wrote about a few weeks ago.

I had no great expectations, but the game has amazed me from the start. The background is nice and the story and the storytelling is very good. And even the "weird" visuals at the end are okay, as they are necessary for the story and the circumstances.

I am at the very beginning, as I played the game for about 40 minutes, but it is definitely a really nice piece of Star Wars universe, and I am really looking forward to playing it.

The story begins somewhere between the films ep. 1 and ep. 2, in the Battle of Geonosis, which serves as "training" in the field.

I would like to write something more about the game once I get deeper into the story to give it some context and also post some screenshots of the best parts I would come across.

