Simplifying IT, Amplifying Knowledge

Building NAS (part four)

Published on: 15 July 2024 Category: computers

I was doing some research and tuning on my TrueNAS instance and I have discovered that I am using a discontinued version of TrueNAS. I am tuning on "core", which is based on FreeBSD, but unfortunately the system has switched to Linux core, using the subname "scale".

So I decided to switch to the supported branch of this system, and discovered that there is an easy way to switch from core to scale, using the standard upgrade process, just by using the "manual" way, uploading the scale distribution file.

The process was automatic and went well. The only problem was that the "jails" services (virtual machines for applications) are discontinued, but fortunately I was only using them for testing, so I do not care that I lost them.

The system booted fine after the upgrade and was comparatively faster than before. All the data on the disk pool survived, so everything is almost perfect.

The only thing I am still working on is the VPN connection. I lost the Wiregueard configuration during the upgrade process. So I tried to re-configure it as the .conf file remained in the file system. After a few tries I got it working and everything seemed fine, even after a reboot. But today, when I started the server this morning and tried to connect to it from work, the Wireguard interface seems to be down. I need to do some more research and try to find out why it went down again.

I hope this is the only problem I will have as everything else seems to be working fine.